What is your biggest dream?
– is my dream – for America and all of us.
Do you dream big for America too?
This title caught my attention today – “Welcome to 1984 in America . “
Is this a dream? What do you say? True? False? You decide.
But before you decide, please read this:
A Romanian joke from communist times: God decided to allow Napoleon to return to Earth. Napoleon visited three countries: USA; Soviet Union; and Romania.
After he visited the USA he was asked: what did you like best in America? He answered: If I had had an Army like the American one, I wouldn’t have lost the battle at Waterloo.
After he visited the Soviet Union, He answered: If I had had a secret police like KGB, I wouldn’t have lost the battle at Waterloo.
After he visited Romania, he answered: If I had had a press like the Romanian one, nobody would have noticed that I had lost the battle at Waterloo.
Now, imagine this – After Napoleon visited America today; he answered : If I had had a press like the American one, nobody would have noticed that I had lost the battle at Waterloo.
Just a Romanian joke from communist times ? Make no mistake, the opposition is stronger today. Their powerful agenda is to destroy America one “day” at the time. No exception on March 8, 2016, the “Day Without a Woman’s Strike.”
What is our plan to stop them? Time to act. Time to dream big for us and for America. Our dreams and our actions are important. I urge you to get involved! To stand for truth and freedom in our culture. Together we can rebuild America’s freedom ! We can dream big. We can keep alive the American dream.
Just in case you want to know about life in a society without dreams or freedom, please read my memoir – #SavingMyAssassin –http://www.amazon.com/dp/1496411838 You will be glad you did.
I would like to hear from you. Do you dream big for you and your family? What is your dream for America?
We can encourage each other to dream big.
As a Speaker, an Author and a Transformation Coach, I am constantly helping people to have :
Happy to help you. Please email me at – virginia@virginiaprodanbooks.com
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