by Virginia Prodan | Nov 5, 2018 | #Dream, #Glorious Victoy, #Persecution, #Power in CHrist, #Victory, #Victory In Christ, #Victory with Christ, @FRCAction, @FRCdc, About Virginia, America, Communism, Courage, Freedom, God, Hope, Hope Courage Victorious Life, Legacy, Life, Religious freedom, Romania, Socialism, Speaking Events, Spiritual Legacy, Vote 2018, You, Your Victorious Life

Wake Up America! Fight Socialism Before It’s Too Late – By Virginia Prodan

Having survived an assassination attempt authorized by the Romanian Socialist Government for defending human-rights clients, I challenge you to vote for freedom in this November’s 2018 Election.
We Americans can no longer be complacent about voting, or view the process simply as a choice between Republicans and Democrats.
This election will determine the future of America
— a future that will either embrace Capitalism or Socialism.
A political system with no private property, only governmental ownership;
Where the production is owned and controlled by the state, and
Astage of society between Capitalism and Communism
My memoir, “Saving My Assassin” published by Tyndale House Publishers, describes what real life and the fight for freedom looks like under Socialism. I have experienced Socialism’s seductive lies and the cruelty and terror it delivered for decades.

Its a life where political correctness and fear destroyed lives and a nation.
People who held dissenting beliefs were jailed, killed or disappeared. Others were silenced into submission. For all of us under Socialism, a “free” Romania became a prison — primarily because most people chose silence in fear, lacking the courage to vote to protect religious freedom and Capitalism.
As a young attorney under Nicolae Ceausescu’s brutal Socialist regime, I had spent my life searching for truth. When I finally found it in the pages of the most forbidden book in all of Romania, the Bible, I accepted the divine call to defend human rights and fellow Christians against persecution in an ungodly land.
With God’s power, I learned to conquer my fear of people and the Romanian government — who had declared me “an enemy” of the state, and my legal work an “act of treason.” I was kidnapped by the Securitate (Romanian Secret Police), was beaten, tortured, placed under house arrest, and came within seconds of being executed under the orders of Ceausescu himself.
And with God’s help, I won. Ceausescu is dead and I am alive. Socialism collapsed, and today freedom flourishes in Romania.

Yet sadly, the “benefits” of Socialism are taught today in most American colleges and universities, and the teaching has even invaded elementary schools.
According to a 2018 Gallup Poll, 51% (over 24 million) of 18-29 year-old Americans support Socialism over Capitalism They have been deceived by the same lies my parents and relatives believed many years ago that led to Romania’s repressive Socialist government.
Few Americans know that the Socialist leader Vladimir Lenin decreed, “Liberty is so precious, that it must be carefully rationed“ to ordinary people.
Rationed to people like you and me.
We must not submit to the fear of man or the mobs promoting Socialism, attacking our human rights and religious rights. The survival of America’s freedom is at stake in this election. We cannot let Socialism conquer America.
We are here to keep the flame of freedom bright no matter the cost.

We owe it to our children and grandchildren to preserve the rights guaranteed every American citizen in the Constitution.
I encourage you to read my memoir, Saving My Assassin, and share it with others to help them understand the value of freedom. Unless we fight back through the power of our votes, history will repeat itself.
Refuse to be part of the “Silent Majority.” We can avoid living under Socialism’s cruelty, which I endured in Romania. America, WAKE UP! Fight Socialism — BEFORE THE CRUELTY OF SOCIALISM ITSELF WAKES YOU UP!
Together we can keep America free. Our votes can shut the door to Socialism in America. Brave people are free people!
Vote for freedom. Vote Republican! Unborn generations depend on our fight for freedom today.
Freedom is precious!
Do not settle for less.

Virginia Prodan is a speaker, an author – , an International Human-Rights attorney, and an Allied Attorney with the Alliance Defending Freedom. Exiled from Romania since 1988, and having literally faced her assassin and lived to tell about it, she currently resides in Dallas, Texas. – @VirginiaProdan
My article appeared first in – Texas Insider Report: AUSTIN, Texas — Having survived an assassination attempt authorized by the Romanian Socialist Government for defending human-rights clients, I challenge you to vote for freedom in this November’s 2018 Election. We Americans can no longer be complacent about voting, or view the process simply as a choice between Republicans and Democrats. on October 30, 2018 Opinion