May 13, 2017 | Hope, Hope Courage Victorious Life, Legacy, Life, Romania, Saving My Assassin, Spiritual Legacy, Tradition, Uncategorized, Victory, You
Happy Mother’s Day! To be a mother is the greatest and the noblest job in the world. It is a life long job and surely the most rewarding job. As we all learn daily, being a mom means among others – being a nurse, a teacher, a negotiator, a driver, a...
Mar 21, 2017 | #SavingMyAssassin, Christ, Courage, Freedom, God, Legacy, Life, Spiritual Legacy, You, Your Victorious Life
Your life is a gift. A gift to you and to all of us. Yes, including the good days and the bad days. The sunny days and the rainy days. The choice is yours to fully enjoy it ! As you already know, I am passionate about helping people find hope,...