Jul 26, 2017 | #SavingMyAssassin, Book Signings, Courage, Family Research Council, Free America, Freedom, Hope, Legacy, SMU, Solutions, Spiritual Legacy, Tradition
Courageous Living A wish or A courageous purpose? Our lives are full of wishes and courageous purposes. We like them. But often we spend our entire lives only on wishes – dying wishing. Only few of us walk on that courageous purposes for which we were created....
Jul 13, 2017 | #SavingMyAssassin, America, Courage, Free America, Freedom, Hope, Hope Courage Victorious Life, Legacy, Romania, Saving My Assassin, Socialism, Solutions, Uncategorized, Victory, Your Victorious Life
Who’s Controlling Your Life? Fear or Courage ? You control Fear – Or – Fear controls You ! Fear and Courage cannot exist together. If you want to have a courageous and victorious life that energizes, challenges and changes the world, you have to...
May 13, 2017 | Hope, Hope Courage Victorious Life, Legacy, Life, Romania, Saving My Assassin, Spiritual Legacy, Tradition, Uncategorized, Victory, You
Happy Mother’s Day! To be a mother is the greatest and the noblest job in the world. It is a life long job and surely the most rewarding job. As we all learn daily, being a mom means among others – being a nurse, a teacher, a negotiator, a driver, a...
Mar 17, 2017 | #SavingMyAssassin, America, Christ, Complaning, Freedom, God, Hope, Hope Courage Victorious Life, Human Trafficking, Saving My Assassin, Victim of Human Trafficking
St. Patrick – From a Victim of human trafficking to The great evangelist ! Today is St. Patrick’s Day – that honors his death on March 17, 461. But, do you know the true story? At age 16 in Britain, Patrick was kidnapped by Irish pirates and enslaved...
Mar 7, 2017 | #SavingMyAssassin, About Virginia, America, Christ, Freedom, God, Hope, Hope Courage Victorious Life, Life, Victory, You, Your Victorious Life
Our world is full of violence and for many is a desperate world. But, you want to live a Courageous Life. Let us help you bring it to fruition. We all have noticed that in our world, Hope and Courage are hard to find. Life for many people people makes no sense. ...