Feb 3, 2017 | About Virginia, America, Christ, Donald Trump, Family Research Council, Frank Wolf, Free America, Freedom, God, Life, Religious freedom, Rep. Chris Smith, Speaking Events, Victory, Your Victorious Life
In preparation for my new book I had done some research. Among other questions, I asked many people this question: “Are You Free in America? ” Many responded immediately: “We live in a free country, America !” I know, I heard that before!...
Feb 1, 2017 | Complaning, Freedom, God, Life, Solutions, Victory, Your Victorious Life
Everyone wants a Victorious Life! But, how many of us are experiencing that? Have you noticed that we have become a society too quick to complain? We all do it at least occasionally, but do we really need to? Last week at our monthly breakfast, as friends, we...
Jan 30, 2017 | America, Christ, Donald Trump, Election 2016, Free America, Freedom, God, Religious freedom, Rep. Chris Smith, Saving My Assassin, Victory, Your Victorious Life
The world is full of uncertainty and fear, and we must return to The Truth. We need to remember who we really are – Americans and a Judeo – Christian nation. Our Time Is Now! God created us to be: Christ’s fragrance, the light of Christ and his...
Jan 26, 2017 | America, Christ, Donald Trump, Free America, Freedom, God, Religious freedom, Saving My Assassin, Uncategorized
YOU are the Hope of America! You are the Voice of America! You are the Future of America! You can and must continue to make even a bigger difference in America. You can Get in touch with your local and federal representatives. You can expose the truth and be...
Jan 25, 2017 | America, Donald Trump, Free America, Freedom, God, Life, Rep. Chris Smith, Victory
Can We Make America a Country of Life Again ? The bill, H.R. 7, co-sponsored by Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Dan Lipinski (D-IL) was introduced on January 24, 2017. During the debate, pro-life congressmen Smith focused on the humanity of pre-born children....
Nov 11, 2016 | America, Donald Trump, Election 2016, Free America, Freedom, God, Hillary Clinton
The 2016 election is over! But, many are still trying to understand why Donald Trump won. Everyone is offering same explanations. Franklin Graham gave this explanation: “Prayer groups were started. Families prayed. Churches prayed. Then Christians went to the polls,...