Oct 1, 2018 | About Virginia, Book Signings, Courage, Legacy, Life, Romania, Saving My Assassin, SMU, TX Governor Gregg Abbott, Victory, You, Your Victorious Life
May 31, 2018 | #AF_Academy, #Dream, #fear, #Glorious Victoy, #mkl, #mkl50, #Persecution, #Power in CHrist, #SavingMyAssassin, #USAFA, #Victory, #Victory In Christ, #Victory with Christ, 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative, @FRCAction, @FRCdc, About Virginia, AFRAction, America, Bluebonnets, Book Signings, Christ, Communism, Complaning, Congress, Courage, Donald Trump, Election 2016, Family Research Council, Frank Wolf, Free America, Freedom, God, Hillary, Hillary Clinton, Hope, Hope Courage Victorious Life, Human Trafficking, Immigration, Legacy, Life, Mustang Olympians, Obama Care, Police Lives, Religious freedom, Rep. Chris Smith, Romania, Saving My Assassin, SMU, Socialism, Solutions, Speaking Events, Spiritual Legacy, Supreme Court, TEXAS, Texas Values, Tradition, Uncategorized, Victim of Human Trafficking, Victory, You, Your Sea, Your Victorious Life
Be America’s Ray of Hope I have great news for YOU. YOU were created to be a Ray of Hope ! – Matthew 5:14. BUT, the question is : Are You really living as a Ray of Hope? –...
May 11, 2018 | #Dream, #mkl50, #Power in CHrist, #SavingMyAssassin, #USAFA, #Victory, #Victory In Christ, #Victory with Christ, Book Signings, Christ, Courage, Legacy, Life, Solutions, Speaking Events, Tradition, Victory, You, Your Victorious Life
Happy Mother’s Day ! To be a mother is the greatest and the noblest job in the world. It is a life long job and surely the most rewarding job. As we all learn daily, being a mom means among others – being a nurse, a teacher, a negotiator, a driver, a...
May 4, 2018 | #Victory, #Victory In Christ, #Victory with Christ, Book Signings, Christ, Courage, Free America, Freedom, God, Hope, Immigration, Legacy, Life, Uncategorized, Victory, You, Your Victorious Life
When God seems asleep Are you facing a storm in Your life? The more you try to reach your adult children the more they rebel against you or God? Your parents are filing for divorce and the more you try to convince them that God can heal their marriage, the more they...
Apr 23, 2018 | #Dream, #fear, #Glorious Victoy, #Persecution, #Power in CHrist, #SavingMyAssassin, #Victory, #Victory In Christ, #Victory with Christ, About Virginia, Book Signings, Christ, Courage, Freedom, God, Hope, Legacy, Life, Romania, Saving My Assassin, Solutions, Speaking Events, Victory, You
Who guides your life? Who shapes your desires or your plans for your life ? Many readers of my memoir – Saving My Assassin – asked me to share who shapes my life or the secrets of hope, courage and victory in my life. Surely! Here are my top 4 secrets : 1)...
Aug 1, 2017 | #SavingMyAssassin, @FRCAction, @FRCdc, About Virginia, AFRAction, Book Signings, Free America, Freedom, God, Saving My Assassin, Socialism, Solutions, Speaking Events, Victory, Your Sea, Your Victorious Life
YOU ARE THE REASON ! YOU ARE THE REASON – I wrote my memoir – Saving My Assassin – https://www.amazon.com/dp/1496411838 . The Berlin Wall fell in 1989, but the socialism or communism didn’t. Time for us to stand up, speak up, and...